Arrealia Gavins
Arrealia Gavins is Director of IECMH Community Mental Health at Georgetown University and Director of Practice and Racial Equity for the Early Childhood Innovation Network with MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Ms. Gavins is Co-Principal Investigator of Georgetown’s Promoting Resilience and Mental Health in Educational Settings for Early Childhood (PROMISE) EHS project which currently offers staff wellbeing services to 40+ early learning centers across three EHS grantees in the District through an ACF Head Start University Partnership Grants (HSUP). Additionally, she is interested in early learning systems to support children, families, and communities. She works on innovation strategies to achieve, sustain and continually increase the developmental growth and academic achievement of children birth-to-third grade and their families. She is also interested in addressing social determinants of health and education in order to promote and achieve social justice. Ms. Gavins is the founder of Realia Early Care and Education LLC providing educational consulting and community innovations to promote healing centered practices in Baltimore, MD. She holds a Master of Science in Education and a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Development, both from Missouri State University.