Sarah LeMoine
Professional Innovations (PI) at ZERO TO THREE is dedicated to developing pioneering products and services for and with the multidisciplinary early childhood workforce. Ms. LeMoine’s role focuses on content and innovation strategy, including professional development (PD) programs, the LEARN Signature Events, ZERO TO THREE’s Membership Program, publications, and related products and services. Ms. LeMoine has centered her career on early childhood PD systems and workforce issues. She has more than 30 years of extensive experience ranging from direct service work to national-level research and writing, technical assistance and training, policy analysis, leadership, and advocacy. Previously, she directed the Administration for Children and Families’ National Center on Child Care Professional Development Systems and Workforce Initiatives (PDW Center) at ZERO TO THREE and the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) State Workforce Systems Policy, and she held leadership and technical assistance positions within the National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC) and the Wheelock College Center for Career Development. She has authored and co-developed numerous professional development systems and practice publications and tools, including the discussion paper Beyond Reflection: Advancing Reflective Supervision/Consultation to the Next Level; the ZERO TO THREE Critical Competencies for Infant-Toddler Educators, Office of Child Care/Office of Head Start’s PD system cost analysis tool, and the Strengthening the Workforce toolkit focused on workplace conditions, compensation, and access to PD; chapters in Teachers College Press edited volumes on workforce and PD competencies and system policies and governance; NAEYC/NACCRRA’s Training and TA Glossary; NAEYC’s policy blueprint for State PD systems; NCCIC’s simplified PD systems model; and the first national technical assistance paper on cross-sector PD systems. Ms. LeMoine is honored to serve on numerous national and international advisory boards and workgroups to advance early childhood professional systems and practice, including as ZERO TO THREE’s representative on the Commission on Professional Excellence in Early Childhood Education (ECE Commission) and chair of the ECE Commission’s Nominations Committee.