For Subsidy Providers Wanting to Close for a Professional Development Day

  • March 1, 2022

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) requires that subsidy providers submit the Appendix F form to their Education Services Monitor to request closure for an in-person professional development day. Follow the directions below:

  1. Download the Appendix F form and share the name of the provider/facility/site where indicated. 
  2. Register each staff member attending DC Early EdX. Each individual needs their own registration. Do not use the same email address for each staff person. Register early, this will likely be a sold-out event. 
  3. Fill out the chart on Page 2. List the name of each staff person/position attending DC Early EdX. 
  4. Submit the completed form to your Education Services Monitor by Friday, March 1, for review.
  5. Make sure all registered individuals attend the event on Friday, April 5, to receive 7 professional development hours!

Appendix F Request for Closure for In-Person Professional Development Day Form:

Download as PDF or Download as MS Word